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A ordem do dia e o sistema de trocas : os atos de fala no debate parlamentar
Yared, Maria Lílian de Medeiros; Bakker, Paola Daniela
Brasília : Câmara dos Deputados, Centro de Formação, Treinamento e Aperfeiçoamento
E-Legis - Revista Eletrônica do Programa de Pós-Graduação da Câmara dos Deputados
E-Legis, n. 11, p. 44-57, maio/ago. 2013.
Análise linguístico-discursiva dos atos de fala presentes nas manifestações dos Parlamentares, especialmente no período da sessão denominado Ordem do Dia, incluídas aí as trocas conversacionais. Apresenta como base teórica a Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional, de Halliday – especificamente o Sistema de Troca da Linguagem –, a teoria dialógica de Bakhtin e o sistema estrutural conversacional proposto por Martin e Rose.The main purpose of this paper is to conduct a linguistic discourse analysis of the speech acts used by the members of the House of Representatives, including the conversation exchanges occurred during debates in plenary sittings, the so-called Ordem do Dia. The theoretical foundations comprise Halliday´s Systemic-Functional Linguistics, particularly the language exchange system, Baktin´s Dialogism and the conversational system proposed by Martin and Rose. This study is part of a research on changes of discourse in terms of alternation of power, which is the object of the Research Group of the House of Representatives, composed by the authors of this paper and three other researchers. Preliminary results show that the institutional and social constraints in the social practice of discourse in the Parliament does not always prevent the realization of speech acts that escape the protocol, which necessarily confirms the constant need for negotiation at any time of the plenary proceedings, whether to extend the speaking time, to disagree with requests or to use the speaking time for an unexpected discursive act.
Discurso político, Brasil
Discurso parlamentar, Brasil
Câmara dos Deputados, discursos, etc, Brasil
Brasil. Congresso Nacional. Câmara dos Deputados

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