O sistema bicameral sob a perspectiva da eficiência e rendimento do processo legislativo brasileiro nas casas revisoras - um estudo na área da saúde
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Estudo sobre o processo legislativo e as proposições de iniciativa dos deputados que tramitaram no sistema de revisão bicameral durante o período de 2007 a 2011. Concentra-se na análise do sistema bicameral brasileiro, sob a perspectiva dos projetos de lei de iniciativa parlamentar na Câmara dos Deputados de matérias concernentes à saúde, com o propósito de observar o desempenho legiferante da Casa revisora. O estudo se desenvolveu em dois momentos: primeiro, sob o aspecto da análise das alterações demandadas no Senado e segundo, com a observação do tempo demandado para a revisão bicameral neste sistema de ¿idas e vindas¿ entre as Casas. Foi avaliada a qualidade temática das matérias das proposições e identificada a preferência da demanda parlamentar por projetos de cunho simbólico/burocrático, precedendo a políticas que visam a prevenção de doenças, seguidos de medidas que objetivam reduzir os riscos à saúde. Classificou-se também projetos para regulamentação de acordos internacionais e doações e projetos que dispõem sobre a proteção de direitos na área da saúde.
This research is a study on the Legislative Process and on the initiative proposal of the Deputies to proceed through the review system bicameral during the period 2007 to 2011. This study focuses on analysis of the Brazilian bicameral system from the perspective of parliamentary initiative in the House of Representatives concerning health matters, for the purpose of analyzing the performance of legislating in the reviewing House. This research was developed in two stages: first, in terms of analysis of the changes demanded in the Senate, allowing to evaluate the effectiveness of preference and change in the second House, on the receptivity of the House changes, and second, by observing the time required to review this bicameral system of "back and forth" between the Houses. The research concluded that changes in the Senate led to the improvement of technical and legislative proposals and greater democratic representation, given that the House voted for the approval of almost all the amendments of the revising House. However, the average processing time was 2 years to complete the review process in the Senate, time assessed as excessive and harmful to the bicameral system and the effectiveness of policies supported. Finally, the survey assessed the quality of the subject in the proposals and found that the preference is to demand parliamentary symbolic nature projects/bureaucratic, preceding policies aimed at disease prevention, followed by measures that aim to reduce health risks.
This research is a study on the Legislative Process and on the initiative proposal of the Deputies to proceed through the review system bicameral during the period 2007 to 2011. This study focuses on analysis of the Brazilian bicameral system from the perspective of parliamentary initiative in the House of Representatives concerning health matters, for the purpose of analyzing the performance of legislating in the reviewing House. This research was developed in two stages: first, in terms of analysis of the changes demanded in the Senate, allowing to evaluate the effectiveness of preference and change in the second House, on the receptivity of the House changes, and second, by observing the time required to review this bicameral system of "back and forth" between the Houses. The research concluded that changes in the Senate led to the improvement of technical and legislative proposals and greater democratic representation, given that the House voted for the approval of almost all the amendments of the revising House. However, the average processing time was 2 years to complete the review process in the Senate, time assessed as excessive and harmful to the bicameral system and the effectiveness of policies supported. Finally, the survey assessed the quality of the subject in the proposals and found that the preference is to demand parliamentary symbolic nature projects/bureaucratic, preceding policies aimed at disease prevention, followed by measures that aim to reduce health risks.
Monografia (especialização) -- Curso em Processo Legislativo, Câmara dos Deputados, Centro de Formação, Treinamento e Aperfeiçoamento (Cefor), 2011.
Processo legislativo, Brasil, Bicameralismo, análise, Brasil, Elaboração legislativa, Brasil, Atuação parlamentar, Brasil, Saúde, projeto de lei, Brasil