A previdência do servidor público e a FUNPRESP
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Associação dos Consultores Legislativos e de Orçamento e Fiscalização Financeira da Câmara dos Deputados
Desmistifica a argumentação utilizada pelo governo e difundida
pela mídia de que um novo sistema de previdência para o servidor
público era indispensável e urgente. As aposentadorias e pensões dos servidores, além de constituírem um “privilégio”, estariam sobrecarregando
despesas da União, comprometendo a capacidade de investimento do
País. Ao contrário, demonstra-se, com base em dados da própria Secretaria
do Tesouro Nacional, que essas despesas beiram 30% da receita corrente
líquida, com tendência à estabilização. As modificações limitam-se aos
servidores civis, “poupando” os militares, responsáveis por 1/3 do total (as
pensões militares respondem por 44% do total). Ademais, projeções do
próprio Ministério da Previdência Social apontam para um déficit decrescente
da previdência dos servidores públicos, de menos de 1% do PIB,
para os próximos 35 anos, calculado sob bases pessimistas. Aborda-se,
ainda, a inadequação do conceito de déficit, impróprio em face de nunca
ter-se efetivamente criado um sistema próprio de previdência; o empregador
não fazia os recolhimentos devidos e a contribuição do servidor era canalizada para as mais diferentes finalidades dentro do orçamento da
União. As mudanças propostas, a médio prazo, devem aumentar o déficit,
transferindo para instituições privadas a receita das novas contribuições,
com o grosso das despesas continuando a ser suportado pelo Tesouro.
This paper demystifies the arguments presented by the government (and spread by the media), treating the Brazilian civil servant pension scheme’s reform as inexorable and urgent: the civil servants pension, regarded as a “privilege”, would be the main cause of the federal expenditures increase and investments decline. Based on figures provided by the National Treasure, it is demonstrated the opposite: civil servants payroll accounts for only 30% of current net revenue, in a stabilized trend. The pension scheme modifications are restricted to civil servants, relieving militaries which represent one third of the total payroll expenditure. Moreover Ministry of Social Security’s projection shows a declining deficit in the public servants pension scheme – less than 1% of GDP over the next 35 years, calculated on very pessimistic assumptions. The concept of deficit itself is inadequate, considering the fact the public servants pension fund has never been created: the employer (the government) did not make its payments and the civil servants contribution was channeled to different budgetary expenditures. In fact the regime´s modifications will increase the “deficit” in next years because the incoming contributions will be transferred to the financial private sector but the pension expenditures will almost integrally be supported by the Treasure.
This paper demystifies the arguments presented by the government (and spread by the media), treating the Brazilian civil servant pension scheme’s reform as inexorable and urgent: the civil servants pension, regarded as a “privilege”, would be the main cause of the federal expenditures increase and investments decline. Based on figures provided by the National Treasure, it is demonstrated the opposite: civil servants payroll accounts for only 30% of current net revenue, in a stabilized trend. The pension scheme modifications are restricted to civil servants, relieving militaries which represent one third of the total payroll expenditure. Moreover Ministry of Social Security’s projection shows a declining deficit in the public servants pension scheme – less than 1% of GDP over the next 35 years, calculated on very pessimistic assumptions. The concept of deficit itself is inadequate, considering the fact the public servants pension fund has never been created: the employer (the government) did not make its payments and the civil servants contribution was channeled to different budgetary expenditures. In fact the regime´s modifications will increase the “deficit” in next years because the incoming contributions will be transferred to the financial private sector but the pension expenditures will almost integrally be supported by the Treasure.
Reforma previdenciária, Brasil, Previdência social, Brasil, Servidor público, aposentadoria, Brasil, Servidor público, pensões, Brasil, Déficit, regime jurídico, Brasil, Brasil. Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional (STN), União federal, orçamento, Brasil, Pensões, pessoal militar
Cadernos Aslegis, n.43, p. 85-90, maio/ago 2011