Salário mínimo: a desindexação entre a norma, o fato e o valor
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Demonstra que a calibragem do salário mínimo desde sua criação, em julho de 1940, resultou mais de arbitramento político que de circunstâncias econômicas. Objetiva confirmar que, apesar de ter causado injunções à política do salário mínimo em diversos momentos, o risco econômico nunca foi seu determinante. Detecta-se, porém, certo descolamento entre ciclos da economia e curvas do salário mínimo. A falta de sincronia entre solidez econômica e valorização do mínimo ou entre crise econômica e achatamento do piso pode evidenciar que há uma razão não meramente econômica a operar a calibragem do salário mínimo. Essa justificativa, sua natureza, sua conformação, é o principal objeto da investigação e pode dar pistas interessantes sobre a evolução da democracia brasileira.
This study aims to demonstrate that minimum wage calibration, since its creation, in July 1940, has been more a result of political arbitration than the consequence of economic circumstances, although the latter interpretation is widely supported by academia and, supposedly, has an important role in formulating governmental action. The lack of synchrony between economic stability and the raising of the minimum wage or between economic crises and the flattening of the minimum wage may lead to the conclusion that there is not merely economic logic affecting the calibration of the base wage. This logic, its nature, and its conformation, is the core subject of this scientific investigation, and, as is unveiled, it could provide interesting clues to understanding the evolution of Brazilian democracy.
This study aims to demonstrate that minimum wage calibration, since its creation, in July 1940, has been more a result of political arbitration than the consequence of economic circumstances, although the latter interpretation is widely supported by academia and, supposedly, has an important role in formulating governmental action. The lack of synchrony between economic stability and the raising of the minimum wage or between economic crises and the flattening of the minimum wage may lead to the conclusion that there is not merely economic logic affecting the calibration of the base wage. This logic, its nature, and its conformation, is the core subject of this scientific investigation, and, as is unveiled, it could provide interesting clues to understanding the evolution of Brazilian democracy.
Dissertação (mestrado) -- Instituto de Pesquisas Universitárias do Rio de Janeiro e Centro de Formação Treinamento e Aperfeiçoamento da Câmara dos Deputados (Cefor), 2009.
Salário mínimo, reajustamento, Brasil, Salário mínimo, aspectos políticos, Brasil, Salário mínimo, história, Brasil